
Strive Community Innovation Fund 2023

Big ideas for small businesses

$1m in grants available!

Seeking innovative solutions that support small businesses’ growth in the areas of Environmental Sustainability and Data for Market Access.



Project eligibility

Proposed projects must::

  • Support businesses with fewer than 10 employees
  • Leverage digital and data-first solutions
  • Be implemented outside of US and Canada

Organizational eligibility

Applicants can be::

  • Single organizations or a consortium of multiple organizations
  • Startups, established companies, nonprofits, social enterprises, academic institutions, or other organization types (not government entities)
  • Companies or multinational corporations (subject to matched funding requirements)

Due diligence requirements

Applicants must::

  • Be a registered and operating entity with active users, with a proven track record of legal and ethical operations and good work performance for at least 1 year
  • Be fully compliant with business licensing, taxation, employee, and other relevant regulations in all countries of operation
  • Be compliant with all applicable laws, including adhering to fundamental human rights and all international labor standards
  • Be able to prove financial health with adequate financial systems to provide regular reporting 
  • Have adequate internal human resource capability to implement the proposed project and comply with Strive Community’s reporting requirements
  • Not be engaged in unethical activities, such as arms production or tobacco